Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Addicted to Machboos diyay..! ;***

Hello girls ;*
a7ibkoom ana tara ;*;*
heheh okay okay dont stare at me chethe!
my New post mu esma Machboos diyay believe me :P
but Im in love with Blog called "Shraykom" ..
and there was a post about il vigies peoples oo chethe ..
fa we talked about machbood diyay ..
heheh okay okay ,
khalas! ;x
it sounds stupid now! :P
but our lunch was machboos ..
fa I wanna share my love with you guys ;$

il photo ; Taken by YOUCOMPLETEME ;*
abi ashoofha dp ana :@:P hehehehehe ..
aaaaaaakh machoob diyay :*:*
the pursuit of happiness <3>
isn't it?


  1. LOL! I gotta say tho, if it's a good machboos, nothing else can beat it! ;D

  2. looool la walla ;P
    Ga3d an6er mishari shino gal et76eli machboc dyaay looool ;**
    Yalla Next post mo lazm machboc dyaay ;D

  3. a7Laaa mn el post eli gblaah loool

  4. next post please:)

  5. Na3aaaM !!
    i msged all my friends enicha nazalty new post a5rat-ha machbos deyaaaaaaaaaaaaay :@
    NEXT POST oo abeeh LOOOOOOOONG with full of details :Pp

  6. looooooooooooooool:p
    3aad ilyooom ghadana machbooos
    waayyy shenooo amoot 3ala machboos yadeti
    akhhhhh !!!
    yala next poost hunnnn:P:*

  7. i need a new post :(


  8. hahahah ;p
    well , SADOH :P
    il new post nezaL :*

  9. a5eeeh yabela machbOS LOl :P

  10. ...hathy ely taby ten6ag!!! ;P machbooooooooooooooos :"( shda3wa ma ta3zemeen ;)>>tra mn 9jy ;p el mara el yayah ely tsawon feha machboos golely 3ashan ensawy weyakom...OK?!>>tra mn 9jy ana a7tar!

  11. anonymous 7ayach 7ayach :*

    M7ammad .. LOOOOOOOOOOOL ;p hahahhaaaaa 7addddddddddddddddddddddiiiiii na7eesa (a) .. and that feels goood :P .. 7addddda laaaaaatheth our Machboos :'( 3aaajeb walla 6afek :P:P .. kilmarra esawoon machbood i'll tell you :P bas a7errik hehehehe :P and you enjoy ur waffle oo ice cream :P wella e5eth mn ur sister subway! (a)
