Monday, August 17, 2009

al jahra fire tragedy! .. * Sorry for your lost! * ;'(

Alsalam 3alaikom all ;*
Yesterday I was in a total shock after opening alwatan TV. To watch the jahra tragedy!
I thought it's a small fire oo salamtkom!
And I was even more shocked when Kuna sent me a msg saying :
( A woman confessed yesterday to setting a wedding tent on fire in Jahra late on Saturday that killed 41 women and children and injured dozens others, some with critical burns. )

My heart stopped beating when they said ena one of the victims were an old woman with her 9 daughters! And the bride mother's & sister were killed too! BURNED if I can say ..!
Alshaikh Sabah alahmed alsabah made his heartfelt condolenced to the victim's families and announced that he'll not accept getting on Shahar Ramadhan in solidarity with the victims and their families . add that Mr. Jassim alkharafi cut his vacation and come back to Kuwait to be there in what the observers said it's the worst tragedy in Kuwait's modern history.

Meanwhile, I received dozen of bbm's joking and laughing about the tragedy! And saying jokes about the women who set the fire! Ana about the 2nd marriage!

Ma etha7ik!

My shock was when I woke up in the morning with the women's picture in my bbm!
Saying; "learn from her girls! And set men on fire! ;p"

It's not funny! Walla!
Okay some of the jokes – I admit- kanaw funny!
Bas 3aib guys walla ..
Don't laugh over someone's pain!

Tara they lost their whole families! 7aram ..
And the women born in 1986!! She's only 22-23 years old!
And will spend her life on jail now!

Allah yer7amhum eb ra7meta ..
Oo esabbir ahalhum ..
Oo ma eshammeeeet fena khalqa!


  1. la 7awla wala qowwata ella bellaah, enna lellah wa enna elayhi raje3ooon ;(
    Allah yer7amhom o y'3ammed rou7hom el janna enshalla o yashfii marthahom o t3afeehom o t9abber ahalhom. Allahoma ameen.

    -Nouf NT.

  2. la 7awl wala quwata ila bilaah .. 7aram 3alaihaa wallaa ily sawat chithy shino hathaa ma 3indaha galb ;/ .. allaah yir7amhum ib ra7mita inshallaa wiqamid rou7hum il jannaa ...


  3. Abbaaih ely 9ar wallah ebachyy il9akharr!! It was disaster!!!! W ely sawetta shinu estifadat lama thba7at 41 ! Cham osra hdemat'ha! W cham ensana shawehat'ha!! Elsejen waaaaaayid shwayya 3alaiha! Aslan thanb kil ily ta2athaw brgubat'ha! Ya wailha men 3athaab allah! Allah yer7am ely mataw w y9abber ahaleehum:'* w yshaafi ilmetshawheen yaraabbb;* 7esbiy allah 3alaiha!

    - ome of the messages I received yesterday bil bbm bedayat'ha "BAS BAS BAS ..... " Is that you? Nafss eslouubich! Bs 7adda kan khoush kalam! Ely galouh bilbbm 9ej 9ej 3AIB 3ALAIHUM! Elnas t3ani w hathoul enaktoun!


  4. la 7awl wala 8uwwa ella bellaah ! enna lellah w enna elaih raje3oun , gaddar alla w ma sha2 fa3al ! .. shy yga6e3 el galb !! allla yr7amhum w y'3ferlhum , shyhada2 enshalla ya rbb !;( .. 9dg naas ma t5af alla ma t7ss ? ma 3ndaha ahl wala 3yal t5af 3aleehum ? alla ylheeha fnafseha ! w ywareeha gdreta ! el dnya dawwara she'll face a trouble one day !!
    alla ykoun b 3oun el jamee3 enshalla w y9aber el jamee3 ..


  5. msakain walla 7raam ;[
    ray7ain 3rss mstansain w e6l3aaaw eb blawiii alla e3ainhoom w ajrhoum .. ;[[[

  6. laa2 tara i got a bbm ou it went like this:
    العقيد الصبر الداخلية: سبب الحريق هو التماس كهربائي نتج عن ضغط للكهرباء والتوصيلات وقرب الموزع من الموالد الكهربائي والرجاء عدم بث الشائعات وهذا التقرير النهائ..Ya3ni ya jema3a la ehya zoujat elme3ris eloula eli sawat chthy walahyy bl makhfar wala enta7raat! Baskum esha3at ou aham shay enkum em6al3elaha esim ou mawaleed! Bas wallah 7aram 3laikum bada3taww;\!!

    so yeah .. tara the first wife maal'ha sheghel

  7. thanks all for your words ;* oo ameen 3asa allah yer7amhum eb ra7meta ..

    DS : heheh no that's not me! ;p .. shenu ilmsg? hehehe abi a3aaaaarf (a)

    Dreamer : Noo! yesterday Jassim ilmansouri from il dakheleyya said enna morta ilaweleya ehya elli shabat il7areeeja and Today in alqabas news paper! ;S ..

    anyway ..
    allah yer7amhuhm ..
    that's what really matter ..

  8. akrah shay esha3a wentashraat ma2saah!

    y3ni the woman is a suspect bs mo lazm she's convicted! uffff

    allah e9brhum.. i was so sad to hear that..

  9. Ya wailha mn 3athab rabha.. galbi gam y3awerni elsara7aa.. 46 shakhs brgubat hal maynoona! Eli byntqm ysawe shay bl 3aroos wella ilme3rs mu el 3ers kella ana metwaq3a ina she didn't think it would be that huge w hal kthr nas bemutun kanat 7a6a bras'ha ina bs il3rs bykhtreb. Ahali ilshuhada2 y3awroun elgalb allah y9abirhum inshallaah!

    I was so mad when I got the stupid bbm jokes. MAKO E7SAAS? GOD QELLAT ADAB HAL NAS!
    I'm pretty sure ina tha7aya karethat eljahra are happy where they are.. ya 7athhum wallah SHUHADAAAAA2!!

  10. Geez! Yeah i was totally shocked too.. Like 7a6ait nafsii ib mokanhoum :S Tekhayelayy nafsech ga3da ib 3ers thi7ek ou wanasa.. then seconds later, you see people dieing, may i say, BURNING, before your eyes.. Allah yer7amhoum inshalah.. its a big, BIG tragedy!
